About Goan Flavourz

Our story is short, and our plan, simple. As with all diehard Goans (niz Goenkars), we fiercely pride ourselves on our unique identity and roots. We may have travelled the various corners of this earth, but our hearts and minds are entrenched with our ancestral, inherited land. Over the past decades, we met often to enjoy all things under the Goan sun: food, beverage, music, festivals, beaches and all the rest of it. Ages ago, we set forth on travels across India, and then the globe.

As this happened, we realised a simple truth: that we terribly missed Goa, and even more so, Goan food. We constantly wished that tasty, authentic Goan cuisine could be made available to us. We also discovered that there were many, many others who felt the same way. The pining and the moaning grew stronger and louder with each outbound journey and subsequent return to the motherland. Until one fine summer evening the germ of an idea sprouted, which can be summed up in four simple words: To take Goa everywhere. And that, simply put, is what we aspire to do.

Our aim is to bring Goa to you, where you are, in different ways. Being foodies, our current offerings are culinary in nature, most of which are signature dishes in Goan kitchens. As children, we witnessed smoky flavoursome cooking in rustic earthenware, prepared over crackling firewood in quaint kitchens. And though modern conveniences became available, traditional methods always found favour with our kith and kin. With this background, we aim to offer a range of flavours and products that will bring the real Goa to you, wherever you are.

Professionally researched, tested and lovingly produced, our products are based on original recipes handed down the generations, and packaged smartly and securely. Quality being the buzzword, we strive continuously, to attain excellence and to deliver authentic mouth-watering Goan taste, ready in a matter of minutes. As you will experience, with the simple cooking instructions, we have even novices looking forward to creating mouth-watering delicacies time and again.

Goan Flavourz

Goan cuisine, in our humble opinion, is to die for. As any niz Goenkar will agree, the best way to sample it is to visit a Goan home, or check into restaurants that dish out authentic fare. However, there are only a few lucky ones who can get to do this regularly. For most, it remains a dream. That’s where Goan Flavourz steps in. Bringing Goa to you, on your plate, as a matter of convenience. Our spice pastes and accompanying recipes make cooking extremely easy, and you could soon earn accolades for your cooking, as our simple steps will help you to get known as an accomplished chef. Spice up your celebrations by using these seasonings to prepare starters and main courses. And, besides recreating culinary magic in your own kitchen, these products also make wonderful gift items to friends and family. When you pick up a pack of Goan Flavourz, you’re not only savouring authentic Goan cuisine at home - you actually relive nostalgic memories of Goa.

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